+380 (44) 334 4126
Sichovykh Striltsiv, 23a, Kyiv


1. General Provisions

1.1 This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) was developed by TATO MOZHE LLC (EDRPOU code 39277624; Address of Registration: 21, Zaliznychne Hwy, Kyiv, 01103, Ukraine; hereinafter referred to as the Company or TATO MOZHE LLC) in compliance with the current Ukrainian legislation, including but not limited to the Law of Ukraine #2297-VI “On personal data protection” dd. June 1, 2010, and incorporates the principles and provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. It sets the procedure for obtaining, collecting, storage, processing, use, protection, and disclosure of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Data) on the https://fedoriv.com/ website and/or mobile app and/or services/tools/websites connected thereto (hereinafter referred to as the Resources) and applies to all the information the Company can get about you as a user (hereinafter referred to as the User) of the Resources owned by the Company and/or lawfully used by the Company and on which the Company and/or third parties (hereinafter referred to as the Partners) provide their services. 

1.2 By using the Resources, the User provides his/her express and indisputable consent to the use of his/her personal data provided to the Company and/or entered on the Company’s Resources and provided to the Partners to obtain information from them and/or to use their services as offered on their Resources. Should the User refuse to provide such consent, he/she must refrain from using the Resources. 

1.3 This Policy applies only to the Resources themselves and does not encompass any third-party websites to which the User might be redirected by the links posted on the Company’s services and such. 

1.4 The Data means any information directly or indirectly pertaining to a specific User. It may include full name, email, telephone number, region of residence, information about how the User uses the Resources, the content of messages (the information from the correspondence between the Users and with the Resources’ Administration, other information used in communication that was provided at the User’s discretion while filling out the registration form and/or personal profile at the Resources, participating in surveys (by filling out questionnaires or otherwise), included in messages or feedback, or the information obtained during the voice communication between the User and the Resources’ Administration), and the information provided by the User while using any service provided by the Company.

1.5 Processing means any operation performed on the Data, including but not limited to access, provision, dissemination, collection, structuring, storage, accumulation, recording, transmitting, blocking, deletion, clarification, updating and/or alteration, anonymization, and other ways, in which the Company may use the Data.

1.6 The Users can provide the Data by entering it on the Resources, by communicating them over the telephone, by email, or by mailing them to the Company’s legal address, and by participating in surveys (filling out questionnaires or otherwise). The Data can also be sourced elsewhere (as described in Section 3 of this Policy), i.e., from the User’s feedback (ratings, comments, verification) or other third-party information provided as a part of submitted claims/complaints and/or while settling disputes, and/or from the publicly available sources on the Internet.

1.7 The User may not use the Resources if he/she does not accept the terms of this Policy.

2. Collected Data & Processing Technologies

2.1 The Users’ personal data obtained and processed by the Company and its Partners may be as follows:

  • Full name
  • Contact telephone number 
  • Email
  • Region of residence 
  • Industry
  • Position
  • Resume
  • Portfolio
  • Company name
  • The Data required for communication with the Users of the Resources, the Data submitted by Users while using the services, and the Data included in feedback, comments, support service tickets, claims, complaints, and other inquiries
  • The Data about the User’s actions while using the Resources
  • The Data submitted/provided by the User to participate in the events held on the Resources and organized by the Company and/or its Partners
  • The Data received from the User via filled-out questionnaires or communicated to the Resources’ Administration by any other means
  • The Data lawfully obtained by the Company from partners and/or third parties
  • Other contact information provided at the User’s discretion for communicating about the services via messengers/emails/calls

2.2 The Company may also process the Data using the following technologies:

  • Cookie files (Cookies are small pieces of data that may include a unique anonymous ID. Cookies are sent to web browsers by the Resources and are stored on the User’s device. Also, beacon tracking, tags, and data collection/tracking scenarios are used to enhance the quality of services. The User can decline all cookies (if their browser is configured accordingly). Declining all cookies, the User agrees that some parts (functionality) of the services may become unavailable.)
  • Google Analytics (a web analytics service that tracks website and mobile app traffic and leverages the collected data for its advertising and communication capabilities).
  • Hotjar (a service that helps keep track of user experience, e.g., how much time a user spends on which pages, which links have the most click-through, what the user likes and what doesn’t; Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect user behavior and device data (specifically, device IP address (collected and stored in an anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifier), browser-related information, geolocation (country only), and the preferred language for the Resources).

3. Data Processing Purpose

3.1 The Company uses and processes the Data for the following purposes:

  • Performing its functions and fulfilling its role and obligations according to the current legislation, ensuring the implementation of legal, business, and tax relationships.
  • Identifying the User while he/she uses the Resources, contacting the User, e.g., for creating and sending marketing correspondence by email or telephone (for personal offers, digests, and notifications about news on the Resources), enhancing service quality, analyzing the User’s activity, keyword search, managing traffic on the Resources, analyzing and anticipating the User’s preferences and interests, and performing analytic activities.
  • Delivering personal offers, digests, advertising messages, additional opportunities for using the services, and notifications about the news about the Resources by mail, email, or phone.
  • Getting feedback from the User, e.g., by sending messages/inquiries regarding his/her use of the Resources and processing the inquiries and applications from the User.
  • Adapting communication language and ensuring the information is clearly communicated to the User.
  • Providing individual offers and information aligned with the User’s professional interests and needs.
  • Selecting appropriate topics and propositions with due regard for the industry’s specifics and current trends.
  • Finding and eliminating service shortcomings and improving the User’s customer satisfaction from interactions with the Company.
  • Evaluating the fitness of contractors, their professional qualities, and potential ability to perform their job as a part of the partnership, as well as assessing the contractors’ creativity and experience.

4. Conditions for Data Processing and Disclosure to Third Parties

4.1 The User’s personal data is processed according to the personal data protection legislation. 

4.2 To fulfill the undertaken service obligations properly, the Company has to disclose the User’s data with third parties, specifically:

4.2.1 The Company’s subcontractors, partners, legal entities, and/or sole proprietors providing services to the Company. The privacy of the User’s personal data is protected by the contracts between them and the Company.

4.2.2 The Company’s subcontractors that provide technical, payment, and other services. Such subcontractors are not authorized to use the Data for purposes other than providing services to the User as their end-consumer. The contracts between such subcontractors and the Company protect the privacy of the User’s personal data.

4.3 The Company and its Partners may disclose the User’s personal data and/or delegate its processing to third parties in the following cases: 

4.3.1 Disclosing personal data is required to enable the User to use the Company’s and the Partner’s services. 

4.3.2 Ensuring the protection of rights and lawful interests of the Company and its Partners. 

4.3.3 Other cases defined by the current legislation. 

4.4 Resources may contain outbound links to other websites not managed by the Company. If the User follows these links, they may be redirected to a third-party Resource. The Company encourages the User to read the Privacy Policy for every Resource they visit. The Company does not manage or assume responsibility for the third-party resources’/services’ content, Privacy Policies, or actions. 

4.5 The Company does not process the data about the User’s race, nationality, political views, religious or other beliefs, or involvement with public organizations. The data about the User’s potentially identifying physiological details is excluded from processing, too.

5. Data Alteration/Deletion & Withdrawal of Consent

5.1 The User can opt out of notifications, news, marketing and advertising offers, digests, and other communications by clicking/tapping the UNSUBSCRIBE link in the email in question.

5.2 If the User has any questions about this Policy, they can contact the Company via the channels listed on the Company’s website. 

5.3 If the User wants to opt out of processing their personal data, they can notify the Company by email at support@fedoriv.com and get a response within 30 calendar days.

5.4 After the Company receives notification from the User about their OPTING OUT OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING, processing of the User’s personal data will cease, and the Data will be deleted except if the current Ukrainian law stipulates such processing.

5.5 Some features of the Resources that require data about the User may become unavailable once the Data is altered/deleted.

5.6 The Company processes and stores the Data for purposes laid out in this Policy for the entire period required for that, but no more than 15 (fifteen) years from the date of the User’s last interaction with the Resources.

6. Personal Data Protection

6.1 While processing personal data, the Company takes reasonable legal, organizational, and technical precautions to protect the Data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, corruption, locking, copying, disclosure, and other illegal actions in relation to the User’s personal data and processing of the said data by the Company according to the current personal data protection legislation in Ukraine. 

6.2 The User’s personal data is processed with the equipment housed in secure, limited-access areas. 

6.3 The User’s personal data is kept private. The Company continuously monitors the efficiency of the data security safeguards in place.

7. User Rights

7.1 The right to know the sources from which the Data was collected and the purpose of its processing.

7.2 The right to be informed about the terms and conditions for accessing personal data, including the data about third parties to whom the Data is disclosed.

7.3 The right to access his/her personal data.

7.4 The right to submit a justified demand as the personal data owner to cease processing of the Data if the Data is invalid or processed illegally.

7.5 The right to resort to means of legal protection in case of a personal data protection legislation breach.

7.6 The right to withdraw consent to personal data processing and receiving messages from the Company.

8. Privacy Policy Revision

8.1 The Company reserves the right to revise the terms of this Policy at its sole discretion at any time without notifying the User about the changes therein. The updated Policy will be published at https://fedoriv.com/privacy-policy. Should the User disagree with the changes, they shall cease any use of the Resources immediately. The continued use of the Resources means the User agrees to and accepts the updated Policy.

9. Supplementary Conditions

9.1 The Company bears no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred by the User or third parties due to misinterpretation or lack of understanding of this Policy’s terms.

9.2 Should any provisions, paragraphs, or sections of this Policy be recognized as ineffective or contrary to the applicable law in the field of personal data protection, this fact shall not affect the other provisions of this Policy. They will remain in full force and continue to have effect to the fullest extent, while any other ineffective provisions or the ones that requires further action from the Parties to become effective shall be deemed revised to the extent necessary to ensure its effectiveness and applicability.